Nordic Waterproofing A/S

Development of the app "Tagpas"

Nordic Waterproofing A/S

In collaboration with Nordic Waterproofing A/S, we have developed the app,

The solution consists of an app and web interface, that streamlines the process for roofers and builders when roofing processes need to be created, submitted, approved and documented.

Nordic Waterproofing A/S wanted to focus on handling processes and flow management in connection with the execution of their "hot work" cases. The combined web and app solution replaces a physical agreement form.

The app collects the roofer's tasks, creates an overview and most importantly - it gives the opportunity to approve the declarations that ensure that the rules for carrying out hot work are complied with.

An important feature of the app is the possibility to photo-document processes and results. It has enabled flow-based documentation and serves as general quality assurance.

Data on the app and web interface are synchronized and updated constantly.

A close collaboration

The project has been created in close continuous collaboration with Nordic Waterproofing A/S and itpilot. The overall design guidelines have thus been drawn up by Nordic Waterproofing A/S, while itpilot has been responsible for the specific design.

Nordic Waterproofing A/S had prepared an interactive prototype, which itpilot took over and further developed. With this, the app's flow and navigation were clarified before the development was put into action.

Through this working approach, we ensured a mutual understanding of the app's structure and logic, so that the user experience was optimized - and the functionality clarified.
