Are you using your data optimally?

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Are you using your data optimally?

If you are a modern company, you probably use a number of digital solutions that make it possible to extract data. Data that can optimize your internal processes and create fertile ground for new thinking.

But only every other Danish company uses its own data collected from sensors, production or sales. This is shown in a report from the Technological Institute..

If you find it difficult to spot the potential that lies in your own data, read along here. Perhaps the article can help you get started in exploiting the advantages that advanced use of data holds.

Denmark is the 4th most digitized country in the EU

The many digital solutions used in the workplace have made access to data much easier. Information is already stored digitally.

Compared to other EU countries, Denmark is leading on a number of points within digitalisation. We are in 4th place among the most digitized countries in the EU. The possibility of data utilization is therefore right next door.

But when you look at companies' use of their own data, Denmark ranks lower. Some indications are that the companies are not aware of the extent to which they can utilize their internal data.  

New technology provides new data

When new technological solutions are introduced around the Danish companies, it provides new opportunities for collecting data. The new digital solutions cause things to automatically 'talk to each other' - and thereby more data is generated.

Previously, you had to e.g. reading an electricity meter, writing the number down and then entering it into a program before it became easily accessible data. With the new technologies, all this happens automatically. Companies can collect data that was not possible before.

Data must be comparable

Even if data is stored automatically, it only really gains value when it is comparable to the company's other data. Install e.g. light sensors, it gives the company the opportunity to make data analyzes on where in the company there is activity and during what time periods.

It may be relevant for a public meeting place such as a library that wants knowledge about citizens' use of the library space. Or if a company wants to check whether booked meeting rooms are being used - and what time of day there is the most activity in the meeting rooms.

If data from light sensors is created in one data bank, while the number of visits or meeting bookings is stored in another data bank, you do not, however, get the opportunity to hold the two things against each other.

If the data potential is to be exploited, all the company's data must therefore be extracted, transformed and then stored again. This can be done secure by using a Data Warehouse.

With these concrete examples of data utilization, the potential of data becomes visible to most people.

Map your technologies

Before you as a company can utilize your existing data, you must map out which technologies you use. Data can be collected from virtually all of your digital solutions. It can, among other things, be financial systems, booking portals, time registration systems, CRM systems, weather sensors, counting cameras, light sensors, access points, Wi-Fi, smartphones, tablets, scanners, digital watches, social media, etc. 

There are a lot of possibilities for data utilization. Often it simply requires that people are made aware of what existing data can be used for, and help to see the connection.

The question is whether your company should start using your existing data? Read more about itpilot's Data Warehouse and BI solutions here.
