Does your website have an expiration date?

Does your website have an expiration date?

A company's website is not "just a website". For many companies, it is one of the most important channels they have. Therefore, it is also important that the website reflects the values and the design/visual expression that the company has, just as it should offer the functions and options that the target group demands and expects.

In other words, a website should reflect the company and at the same time follow the trends of the time. What was smart just 5 years ago can easily appear outdated today. It is a completely natural development, and therefore it is also important that you make sure to keep your website up-to-date and modern.

In addition, an incredible amount is happening in technological development. New and smart technologies are developed and introduced, while older technologies (or technology versions) are phased out. This means that there are also a number of technical advantages to keeping the company's website up to date.

A website has a lifespan of 2-5 years

In general, it is said that a website has an average lifespan of 2-5 years before it needs to be redesigned or maybe even redesigned.

2-5 years is a wide range, but actually the average is 2.4 years according to the US company Huemor.

For many businesses, it comes as a surprise that the average lifespan of a website is not longer. According to Huemor's study, however, the average for some industries is around 5 years, e.g. the construction industry, while the average for the beauty industry is only 1 year and 7 months.

Redesign or completely new website?

The fact that a website has an average lifespan of 2.4 years does not mean that your website must be developed anew with a completely new design every two years. Sometimes a redesign can be what is needed to extend the life of the website.

A redesign can, for example, be changes in the design elements of the existing website, e.g. color palettes, images and illustrations, typography or the layout structure itself. As part of a redesign, the website's basic code may also be updated (updating the CMS source code) so that it is compatible with e.g. the latest PHP version.

Sometimes, however, it can be advantageous to start fresh with a new and modern design for a brand new website. Especially in cases where the company wants to switch to another CMS, it is obvious to have a new and modern design prepared.

Has your website exceeded its expiry date?

If you are in doubt as to whether your website needs to be redesigned - or whether you may even need to develop a completely new website, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is the website more than 5 years old?
  • Do your competitors' websites look more modern than yours?
  • Have there been any major changes in your company since you had your website made?
  • Do you get few or no inquiries from potential customers via your website?
  • Is the website slow?

If you can answer yes to just one of these questions, you most likely need a new website.

There may of course also be other reasons why it is a good idea to have a new website developed. For some it is about constantly being at the forefront of both technologies and trends and being one step ahead of the competition at all times, but we most often find that our customers need a solid foundation that they can also work on themselves.

If you want to hear more about your options, you can call us on tel. +45 87 25 07 87 or fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page.
