Design your webshop according to the digital natives
If you were born after 1990 and the arrival of the Internet, you can be described as a digital native. According to Dansk Erhvervs calculations, it applies to 36% of the Danish population in 2020.
When you grow up in a digital age, your life and consumption habits are shaped accordingly. 93% of digital natives thus shop online and thus constitute an extremely interesting target group for e-merchants to delve into.
It pays to design your webshop according to the digital natives.
The buying journey of the digital consumer
Which phenomena and trends apply when the digital natives research, select and buy products or services in 2020? With knowledge of how customers prefer to shop webshops and other digital products can be adapted to their wishes.
For a number of years, there has been a focus on design and ease of use - it must be clear and easy to make an online purchase. Design and navigation of the actual website and webshop are significant factors, but the digital native demands more information.
High service & access to information
The companies' digital platforms must offer thorough and up-to-date product information. As a digital native, you grow up with easy access to information, and therefore the target group would like to have the product's various uses presented - preferably in the form of visually easy-to-eat texts and illustrations. This is pointed out by a study from Fremforsk, center for future research. It is the visual way of thinking that needs to be emphasized.
Product information should preferably be spiced up with images, videos, user reviews and product variants. For 34% of consumers, it is relevant whether the online store has received good reviews, while 32% attach importance to whether it has a wide selection.
Emulate the big companies - use a PIM system
The increased demand for product data places new demands on companies' ERP systems. This requires a system that can collect and accommodate all product data at once. IKEA and other large companies have chosen a PIM-system to improve the management of their product information.
IKEA, which has more than 422 warehouses in 50 different countries and has over 9,000 product units, uses a PIM system that automates their product catalogs and stores all product information in the cloud. In this way, they can better coordinate their marketing efforts.
Not only must account be taken of which product information consumers value highly, but also which information search engines are looking for.
The search engines value this information highly:
- Product name
- Brand
- Description
- Images
- Videos
Consumers would also like to have this information made available:
- Sales price
- Technical characteristics (materials, colors, finishes, etc.)
- Dimensions
- Weight
- Assembly/assembly instructions
- Treatment
- Packaging
- Performance
- Environmental declaration
For the digitally native consumer, these 3 product information are most important:
- Product reviews
- Product images
- Information about sustainability in production
It requires a well-organized and up-to-date product catalog to satisfy both consumers and search engines.
At itpilot, we can help design and develop a webshop that meets the preferences of digital natives - contact us to hear more.