New system for performing complex calculations and preparing quotes


JUAL A/S wanted to optimize and digitize their quotation process, which required the development of an advanced system for complex calculations. Previously, JUAL used an extensive and complex Excel sheet to perform technical calculations that formed the basis for their quotations. This process was time-consuming and confusing, both for JUAL and their customers.

The result is an advanced configurator system that can perform all necessary calculations and generate a professional PDF report with all relevant information. The solution can be used both by JUAL itself and as a self-service solution for their customers.

Who is JUAL A/S?

JUAL A/S is a leading supplier of solutions to the construction industry with a special focus on products for roofs and facades. JUAL offers solutions that cover everything from drainage and ventilation to building profiles, flashings and roof brackets. In addition, they work closely with customers on both private label and OEM solutions, which are integrated into the customers' own systems and ranges.

From their base in Juelsminde, they create a wide range of quality products, which are also exported to large parts of Europe. Part of the production is also located in China, where standard components are manufactured as part of supporting the company's Danish production.

Advanced configurator for quote generation

itpilot has developed a unique quote generation system for JUAL for their Solar PV bracket systems. The solution functions as an advanced configurator that calculates complex loads based on the user's inputs. Based on the inputs and calculations, the software solution generates a PDF report that contains all relevant data, including basic data such as roof type, height, etc., panel and bracket data, as well as relevant illustrations, e.g. cross-sections of the roof surface. The PDF also contains a bill of materials/parts list, which JUAL can also export separately as a CSV file that can be easily imported into other IT systems, e.g. Dynamics to retrieve updated prices and stock information.

The system is designed to allow users to generate offers for the desired console system. Once an offer is generated, it is active for 30 days before it automatically expires. It is also possible to make copies of existing offers or reactivate offers that have exceeded the offer period.

User management & collaboration

The system allows JUAL to create their customers as users. These customers can further manage their own organizations by assigning different user roles. This ensures that customers can decide for themselves who has access to create and approve offers. This flexibility increases user-friendliness and efficiency for both JUAL and their customers.

In addition, all offers are collected in one central place in the system, which gives customers a better overview and facilitates collaboration within the organization. Users with the right roles can access each other's offers, which creates the opportunity for effective sparring and knowledge sharing. This makes it easier for organizations to work together to optimize offers and ensure that they meet both internal requirements and customer expectations.

Future-proof with the possibility of further development

The new software solution has been developed so that further development is possible in the future. The system currently consists of a basic system, which forms the framework for the overall platform. The current solution includes Solar PV, which handles the bidding for bracket systems for solar panels on various roof types.

The basic system enables JUAL to implement more solutions and new configurators in the long term. For example, they have the option of also implementing Unimount, which handles the provision of quotations for console systems for climate products, including heat pumps and ventilation systems.

In addition, the system can be used in the future as a communication channel for news and updates, such as the launch of new tools or changes to existing features.

Digitalization & process optimization

With the new system, JUAL has significantly digitized and streamlined their quotation process. Where quotations were previously prepared manually via Excel, this is now done digitally and automatically. The system saves time, reduces errors and enables JUAL’s customers to generate quotations themselves quickly and easily.

The solution is an intuitive and user-friendly platform that meets the needs of both JUAL and their customers. The advanced configurator ensures not only accurate calculations, but also a smooth process from start to finish.
