HWhat is Odoo?

What is Odoo?

Odoo is an advanced business management system that brings together all the company's business processes in one integrated solution. Odoo has a wide selection of apps that cover everything from sales and inventory management to HR and project management – ​​you can read a lot more about the different apps in this blog post.

Odoo is a flexible and scalable platform that can be adapted specifically to your company's needs, regardless of your industry and company size. In fact, you have the opportunity to get a complete solution that is put together specifically for your industry and that can be scaled as your business grows and develops.

At itpilot, we help companies with digital transformation. We therefore also advise our customers on what will be the best solution for their companies and their specific needs. Odoo can be a good solution for many companies, and as an Odoo partner we can help implement, adapt and optimize companies' Odoo solutions, which ensures a smooth and efficient digital transformation.

A complete package for every industry

We know that every industry and every business has its own unique needs and challenges. Therefore, there is rarely one solution that fits everyone. Odoo can be a valuable solution for many companies because the solution can be tailored to the individual company. Therefore, we can also tailor a solution for your company.

In every industry there are different needs. A real estate agent, for example, has different needs than a hairdresser or a car dealer. In the same way, manufacturing companies have different needs than retail stores or service companies. Here, Odoo makes a number of industry-specific solutions available, which can also be expanded and adapted to your specific needs and requirements.

Apps for all areas of business 

Odoo is an app-based system, and therefore there are also a number of different apps that support the companies' various business areas. Each app is integrated with the other active apps, which creates a coherent and efficient work process. Read more about some of the different apps available for the various business areas below.

Website & webshop

With Odoo, you have the opportunity to build a professional website and webshop with Odoo's Website Builder. You have ample opportunity to manage and edit your website yourself thanks to the drag'n'drop function.

With the eCommerce app, you can also expand your website with a webshop, so you can sell your products online. In addition, you also have the option of creating an online course module on the website.

Apps for website and webshop:

  • Website
  • eCommerce
  • Blog
  • Forum
  • eLearning
  • Live Chat
  • Events


All companies have a sales process, and therefore Odoo also has a number of different apps that support the sales process. Odoo's sales-related apps include CRM, quotation, POS, etc. Thus, Odoo can be used both to manage leads and customer relationships, as well as to create offers, orders, etc. For shops, restaurants and the like, the POS app is particularly interesting. Overall, these different apps provide a good overview of the sales activities and customer interactions.

Apps for sales:

  • CRM
  • Sales
  • POS
  • Subscriptions
  • Rental

Inventory and manufacturing

Odoo can also be used to optimize inventory management and manufacturing processes. Through the warehouse app, you can ensure efficient warehouse management with functions for tracking inventory, receiving and sending goods, and inventory counting. In addition, Odoo provides real-time updates and integration with other business processes, so you can reduce inventory costs and improve delivery speed.

Through the manufacturing app, you can plan and manage your production process. This app supports, among other things, production planning, bill of materials management, work orders and equipment maintenance. All functions that support efficient production.

There is also a purchasing app that makes it easy for you to handle purchases and suppliers. Collectively, these various apps allow you to ensure a streamlined supply chain and reduce costs.

Apps for inventory and manufacturing:

  • Inventory
  • Manufacturing
  • PLM (Product Lifecycle Management)
  • Purchase
  • Maintenance
  • Quality control


Odoo also has a number of different apps for the HR department. Here it is possible to manage the employees and the various HR processes. The various HR apps support everything from recruitment and onboarding to salary administration and performance management.

Employees can access a self-service portal where they can manage their own information and request days off and holidays. These different HR apps work together and help create an effective HR function that supports employee well-being and the company's growth.

Apps for HR:

  • Employees
  • Recruitment
  • Time Off
  • Appraisals
  • Fleet
  • Signature 
  • Contracts


Odoo's marketing apps are designed to plan and execute effective marketing campaigns. With the two apps Email marketing and Marketing Automation, it is possible to send out targeted e-mail campaigns to newsletter recipients or information e-mails to customers or other contacts in the system. If you hold ongoing events, these can also be easily managed via the Event app.

Apps for marketing:

  • Email marketing
  • Marketing automation
  • SMS marketing
  • Social marketing
  • Events
  • Survey

Services and projects

For companies working on projects and service delivery, Odoo offers a range of apps to improve project management and customer support. With the project management app, it is possible to plan, follow up and deliver projects on time. In addition, there are apps for time recording and resource management, so you can ensure that your projects run efficiently and within budget. The helpdesk app also ensures efficient handling of your customer support.

Apps for services and projects:

  • Projects
  • Timesheet
  • Helpdesk
  • Planning
  • Appointments

Would you like to hear more about Odoo?

Odoo has a large selection of apps that enable you to gather all your business processes in one integrated solution. By gathering your various business processes in Odoo, you also ensure that data can be automatically shared across the various apps, which contributes to a strengthened data base, fewer incorrect entries and a better synergy between your various business areas and work processesl.

When you choose Odoo for your company, you get a flexible and scalable system that can be adapted to your company's needs and requirements. If you are in doubt as to whether Odoo is the right solution for your company, do not hesitate to contact us. We can advise you on what makes the most sense for your company based on your current situation and growth ambitions - and together we can find the perfect solution for you.

At itpilot, we are Odoo-partners, and we are therefore also ready to help you implement, adapt and optimize your Odoo solution, so that you get the most out of the system and can focus on running and growing your business.
